Monday 7 April 2014

Adrienne Trivia

Do I dance when I eat delicious food?
a) Yes
b) No
c) 'Dancing' would be a generous term for the seizure-like movements I am capable of making
d) Yes, sometimes with accompanying vocals
e) a, c and d are correct (and you wish b and b only was correct)

When I drink alcohol I become:
a) more fun!
b) more interesting!
c) less socially awkward!
d) super nauseated!
e) Batman!

Do I sing sentences when they:
a) make me happy
b) are awkward
c) give me anxiety
d) are bad news
e) all of the above plus some other times probably?

What city was I born in?
a) Winterfell
b) Hogsmeade
c) all of the answers are lies. Including this one.
d) Atlantis
e) the USS Enterprise

I think fashion is:
a) super cool and important
b) super uncool and shallow
c) confusing and intimidating and how do I wear this thing?
d) affordable
e) an industry which treats all women and body shapes as equal!

I'm in:
a) Gryffindor
b) Hufflepuff
c) Ravenclaw
d) Slytherin
e) the bathroom, crying, because I didn't get my letter to Hogwarts

On planes I like to sit:
a) in the aisle seat
b) in the window seat
c) in the middle seat (hint: it's not this one)
d) on the floor
e) in the bathroom, crying, because I didn't get my letter to Hogwarts

My middle name is:
a) Rose
b) Ruth
c) Ricky
d) Ronald
e) Brian

Approximately how much sleep do I need per night in order to not actually fall asleep during the day?
a) 6-7 hours
b) 7-8 hours
c) 8+ hours
d) 8++++++++++++ hours
e) all of it. Give me all the sleep. I neeeeeeeed it.

When are the only times I blog?
a) all of the below
b) sometimes when I remember
c) when it's April
d) when I have more important, assessmenty things to be doing
e) mostly, never

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