Saturday 11 December 2010


I have freaking views from Russia. RUSSIA!
If you're in Russia, and you're reading this (or Denmark or any of the other obscure countries) WOW I LOVE YOU.
I have views in ten different countries. TEN! That's almost a big enough number to merit writing it in numbers instead of letters, according to the rule of thumb in English essays and such, where if a number is ten or below, you write it in letters, and above ten and you write it in numbers. WOW.

It's actually pretty crazy, this whole blogging thing. I mean, I started this out with no idea what I'd write or who would read it. In fact, I didn't think anyone would read it. And yesterday, without posting the link on my faceybook [DID YOU KNOW: Facebook might try to trademark the word face? Yeah! So now I am going to call it facey for ever more. And no, I'm not even kidding. The link is right there. See for yourself. CLICK IT.], I still got 11 flippin' page views. That's a big enough number to write in numbers!
Man, I love you guys so much.
Also, yes, I get all my news from thecynchannel.
DID YOU KNOW: Scientists have found two snowflakes that are the same. OH MY GOD. All those metaphors just became redundant. Now what are we supposed to be unique like? Are we meant to be unique like ... I don't know! I can't even think of an amusing comparison. What does this mean?!

But I disgress. Just a tad.
So I guess I should start writing more. And writing interesting things, not just marvelling at the overwhelming (well ... kind of overwhelming) number of people who look at the stuff I put on the internet.

So ... Christmas.
There are already presents for me under my tree. ALREADY! And one of them is a book and I want to know what book it is and one of them is a something I don't know and I want to know!
Do you know what you're getting for Christmas?
I DO know that I'm getting a Kindle. And a video camera. Yeah boiii. The plus side of divorced parents? Double present time.
That might not be an appropriate thing to say, but hey. It's true. :)

This might be the end.
I shall try and form some interesting and entertaining thoughts to post another blog in a couple days.

fare thee well, oddlings. xxxx

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